annual survey of fine art prints by artists of Central and Eastern European backgrounds | New York City

Celebrating Print Competition (“CPC”) is an international competition for fine art prints created by artists of Central and Eastern European (“CEE”) backgrounds. CPC is organized by KADS NY with the goal to showcase in New York City contemporary prints from the region. The mission for CPC is to raise awareness of the tradition of CEE printmaking, encourage explorations in contemporary original prints as well as promote CEE printmaking. The first Celebrating Print Exhibition entitled “Masters of Czech and Slovak Printmaking” took place in December 2013, presenting over 60 fine art prints - etchings, lithographs, woodcuts and mixed media prints - from 27 renowned Czech and Slovak artists. In 2014, the first CPC was organized for artists of Czech and Slovak backgrounds.
In conjunction with the launch of the Celebrating Print magazine on CEE art print and printmaking, the CPC.2015 has been extended to include artworks by artists from CEE countries.
CPC.2015 Juror
We are pleased to welcome Mildred Beltré, artist, printmaker, Associate Professor at the University of Vermont as the CPC.2015 Juror.
Mildred Beltré is a New York based artist working in print and drawing to explore facets of social change. Beltré’s work has been exhibited nationally and internationally at venues such as the International Print Center New York, Five Myles Gallery, Brooklyn, NY, University of Colorado, Projecto Ace, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Hollar Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic or Brun Leglise Gallery, Paris, France. Her work is included in the Special Collections of the Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, NY and the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN among others. She has been awarded residencies, and received grants from the New York Foundation for the Arts in Prints/Drawings and Artist Books, the Brooklyn Arts Council and the Citizen’s Committee for New York City.
Beltré is the co-founder of the Brooklyn Hi-Art! Machine. She has worked as a teaching artist for various New York City institutions including El Museo del Barrio, Cooper Union, Henry Street Settlement, Harborview Art Center, NYCHA and the Manhattan Graphics Center.
KADS NY is pleased to present the 2015 Celebrating Print Competition, and calls for submissions of fine art prints from artists worldwide of Central and Eastern European backgrounds. Juried prints will be on view at BBLA Gallery at Bohemian National Hall in New York City from December 7, 2015 - January 13, 2016. Cash prize(s) will be awarded. One artist will be selected for a profile with interview in the Celebrating Print magazine.
Entry Deadline: Friday, October 2, 2015
Entry Fee: $35 for images of up to 3 prints
Print Paper Size Limit: 16 x 20 inches (40 x 50 cm), larger prints will be accepted for additional fee of $25
Juror’s Selection Announced: Friday, October 23, 2015
Delivery of Selected Prints: Friday, November 27, 2015
Exhibition: December 7, 2015 – January 13, 2016
Exhibition Venue: BBLA Gallery, New York City
All fine art printmaking media, including intaglio, relief prints, lithography, silkscreen, monotype, monoprint, are eligible for CPC.2014. Digital prints are eligible only if they incorporate other methods of hand-pulled printing. Art must be hand-pulled and generated on stone, block, or plate using the printing process. The presented works must have been created in the period between 2014 and 2015. Only two-dimensional works will be accepted (flat). No exlibris. Techniques not accepted: photography (including alternative darkroom processes), photocopy, digital prints, offset and direct reproductions.
Size of the paper is limited. Review the complete RULES & REGULATIONS.
Central and Eastern European Countries
For the purposes of CPC, Central and Eastern European Countries shall include: Austria, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, and Ukraine.
Artist’s Eligibility
Artists born in or with citizenship of one of the CEE countries, who live in one of the CEE countries or abroad, are eligible to participate in the CPC.
Entry Fee
Artist may submit digital images of up to 3 prints, plus a detail image for each print if details need to be presented. There is a non-refundable Entry Fee of $35 for prints with paper size up to 16 x 20 inches (40 x 50 cm). The fee includes return shipping. Larger prints will be considered for the competition for an Additional Fee of $25. Such Additional Fee will be applied only to artists whose work is selected by the Juror.
Review the complete RULES & REGULATIONS.
Download printable CPC.2015 PROSPECTUS with Rules & Regulations and an Entry Form (pdf).
Complete and submit the Entry Form.
Pay the Entry Fee of $35. You can pay via:
1. PayPal to: celebratingprint@gmail.com, or click to "Buy Now" button.
2. Western Union (available at local post offices in most countries) to Katerina Kyselica, with email celebratingprint@gmail.com, or
3. Mail an International Money Order issued by your bank in USD, for $35 exactly. We will not accept 'split fees', or 'fees incurred by recipient'. Mail it to: KADS NY, attn.: Katerina Kyselica/CPC.2015, 321 East 71st Str., Suite 3E, New York, NY 10021, USA.
[Note: If you decide to submit print(s) larger than 16 x 20 inches (40 x 50 cm) and they are selected, you will be asked to pay additional $25.].
Send email to: celebratingprint@gmail.com, subject line: your last and first name, with the following documents as attachments:
1. Images of up to 3 of your prints (maximum of 6 images – one for each print plus a detail image) - see How to prepare digital images below.
2. Image Index - see How to prepare Image Index below.
3. If you paid the Entry Fee via PayPal, include in your email a transaction ID that you received from PayPal upon your payment.
Download Prospectus with the Entry Form (pdf). Complete the Entry Form.
Pay the Entry Fee of $35 (as described above).
Mail CD/DVD with images of your print(s) (see How to prepare digital images below) and Image Index (see How to prepare Image Index below) to: KADS NY, attn.: Katerina Kyselica/CPC.2015, 321 East 71st Street, Suite 3E, New York, NY 10021, USA.
If you paid the Entry Fee via PayPal, include a note with transaction ID that you received from PayPal upon your payment. If you pay via International Money Order, include it in the package.
Submitted materials and any unsolicited materials (catalogs, flyer, etc.) will not be returned. We will not be automatically contacting you to confirm the receipt of your package. Email us at celebratingprint@gmail.com to confirm delivery.
Each artist may submit images of up to 3 prints, plus an image with detail of each print, maximum of 6 images total. Each image must be saved as a jpeg, 1600 pixels the longest side, resolution at 72 dpi. Size of each document should not exceed 800 kb. Each document must be entitled as follows: lastname_firstname_#image. E.g. Doe_John_01.jpg. The numbering of images shall correspond with the Image Index.
A list of images (Image Index) should be prepared in Word document. The list should be numbered 01, 02, etc, and include the following information for each print: title, year, medium, dimension of image, dimension of paper, size of edition, and whether printed by the artist or by a printer (state the printer’s name). Numbering in the Image Index should correspond with numbering of jpeg images.

Having troubles with our online Entry Form? Download the printable version (pdf), fill it out, sign, scan, and email it to: celebratingprint@gmail.com, subject line: your last and first name. DOWNLOAD ENTRY FORM (printable pdf).