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Kamila Stanclova (b.1945, Slovakia) graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava where she studied under the guidance of Vincent Hloznik and later Albin Brunovsky. Her works have been exhibited extensively in solo exhibitions in Slovakia and abroad and in numerous international group exhibitions. Stanclova’s prints, book illustrations, ex libris and designs of postage stamps received many awards, including the Most Beautiful Book of Slovakia (2006), the UNICEF Award for the best children‘s book illustrations (1996), the Certificate of Honor for Illustrations at the IBBY Congress Copenhagen for the book Fairy Tales by H. C. Andersen (2008), the Celebrating Print Award (2014) and many others. Stanclova’s fine art prints are represented in many private and public collections, including the National Gallery Prague (Czech Republic), Albrecht Durer Gesellschaft Norimberg (Germany), Bibliotheque-Mediatheque de la Ville Metz (France), Civica Galleria d’Arte Moderna Gallarate (Italy), City Gallery Bratislava (Slovakia), Rijksmuseum Meerano Westermagnum Gravenhage (Netherlands) and Chihiro Iwasaki Art Museum Tokio (Japan), among others. Kamila Stanclova lives and works in Bratislava.

“Stanclova’s prints exemplify many of the characteristics that we have come to think of as defining the Central European graphic tradition: the mastery of the plate, the connection to book illustration, the critical stance of the artist towards social or political realities mediated through sly humor, fantasy and sheer visual dazzle.”

                                   – Eva Nikolova, Celebrating Print 2014 exhibition catalog

Kamila Stanclova on her work:

“The most common inspiration for my artworks are my dreams, experiences and quotes of known or lesser-known people.  I like to focus on words, their meaning, hidden meaning, metaphor, or paraphrase.  Through the interplay of words and visual elements, the viewer can create new connections.  Text used as a title or directly in the image suggests the atmosphere and guides the viewer into my mode of thinking.“


“When working on an etching, I draw directly on the plate without using any previous sketches. I work on a single plate for a longer period, it serves as a kind of diary.“



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